Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WorldBook E Fair

Wow! is all that i can say really, I think that this is a fantastic idea and leads to all kinds of potential for everyone really. The fact that it is FREE aswell just added to its favour. I think that this sight would be very beneficial to those who live in a rural area and especially those who are very techno savvy- who still like "Old School" habits! Loved it Loved it, hopefully some of my favourite authors will make their way onto these pages!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I have loved You tube for longer then this discovery exercise! I find the videos fun to watch, and observing other people's take on what is funny or really what's not!

I think that Youtube is something that will increase in usage. I also believe that library uses for find this tool beneficial for personal and research reasons. They are able to watch broadcasts etc, or even research media that is available around the world.

What can I say- I love it!


Ok, fiddling around with online documents, and i even can use emotions! cool (by the way that means cool)


Trying a new font now, but that bit seems a little difficult, trying to highlight previous text and then not able to leave it highlighted, maybe thats just because I'm not doing it right, but I'm not sure!


This could be good for those who don't have word etc on their machines, but only time will tell, right?

